LitongLab is a computer networking research group of Renmin University of China (RUC). Our research interests mainly focus on applying the state-of-the-art big data and machine learning technologies to improve the performance of networked systems.

Open Positions: We’re looking for self-motivated students to work with us at RUC. Please feel free to drop us an Email with your CV. Also, feel free to contact us if you are interested in internship opportunities in our group.

欢迎加入研究小组: 如果你有志解决业界真实的问题,做实用而有趣的研究,发表高水平文章,可邮件联系李彤老师。只要自驱动力强,不惧零基础,同时优秀学生将获得大厂实习、独家内推机会。(温馨提示:免试推荐的研究生需大三下参加中国人民大学信息学院夏令营选拔)
  • 2024.10.05 Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON.

  • 2024.09.23 Professor Li was awarded as the ACM SIGCOMM China Rising Star Award (新星奖). (Ranking first)

  • 2024.09.10 Our paper is accepted by IEEE S&P 2025. (Acceptance rate 14.3%)

  • 2024.07.24 Our paper is accepted by USENIX NSDI 2025. The first NSDI paper in the history of Renmin University of China.

  • 2024.07.16 Our paper is accepted by ACM Multimedia (MM) 2024 .(Oral paper)

  • 2024.07.11 Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON.

  • 2024.06.05 “求是学术” 品牌研究项目立项

  • 2024.06.05 我们的文章已经被《软件学报》录用.

  • 2024.04.15 Two of our papers are accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2024.

  • 2024.04.13 Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2024.

  • 2023.10.25 Our paper is accepted by IEEE WISE.

  • 2023.09.07 Our paper is accepted by 中国网络大会.

  • 2023.08.10 实验室成员获得第九届中国国际“互联网 + ”大学生创新创业大赛北京赛区复赛产业命题赛道三等奖。

  • 2023.07.30 Our paper is accepted by ICNP 2023.

  • 2023.07.07 Our two papers are accepted by SIGCOMM'23 Poster and Demos.

  • 2023.06.26 实验室成员获得2023年“中国高校计算机大赛—网络技术挑战赛(A-ST)”三等奖。 成员:杨兆棋(大二)、曹景堃(大二)、杨艺琳(大二)、胡博文(大二)

  • 2023.03.29 Our paper is accepted by 软件学报.

  • 2023.02.11 Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM Demo 2023.

  • 2023.02.06 Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine.

  • 2022.12.06 实验室成员获得2022 年“中国高校计算机大赛—智能交互创新赛”全国总决赛三等奖。 成员:蒋岱均(大二)、曹思源 (大三)、杨兆棋(大二)、刘威(研一)

  • 2022.12.02 Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.

  • 2022.11.16 Our paper is published in CCCF.

  • 2022.08.15 Our paper is accepted by ACM MSWiM 2022.

  • 2022.07.15 Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.

  • 2022.06.22 Our paper is accepted by ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop.

  • 2022.03.07 Two of our papers are accepted by IEEE WoWMoM 2022​.

  • For more news, please click here …